Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Microsoft modified the end dates for both its "mainstream support" and "extended support" cycles for Windows Server 2012 (Microsoft's lifecycle support policy has two five-year phases for Windows products). The extended support date is a key one to note in Microsoft's policy because Microsoft will stop delivering security patches after that date, deeming the product to be "unsupported." A server then becomes a potential security risk for organizations if not upgraded or replaced.

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 Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Added:Nov 29, 2018
Description:Microsoft modified the end dates for both its "mainstream support" and "extended support" cycles for Windows Server 2012 (Microsoft's lifecycle support policy has two five-year phases for Windows products). The extended support date is a key one to note in Microsoft's policy because Microsoft will stop delivering security patches after that date, deeming the product to be "unsupported." A server then becomes a potential security risk for organizations if not upgraded or replaced.

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